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The Higher Education CARNET Users Conference - THECUC2023 Digital Transformation of Higher Education: Innovations for the Future of Learning & Teaching

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Innovative approaches in design education at the Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb (10 min)

In an ever-evolving landscape of design education, this paper embarks on a comprehensive journey to explore innovative pedagogical approaches, meticulously designed to cater to the needs of architecture, urbanism, and design students within the esteemed academic setting of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Zagreb. The focal point of this study revolves around the strategic incorporation of cutting-edge digital technologies and the strategic utilization of collaborative cloud-based platforms as indispensable tools for undertaking complex building information model (BIM) projects. In an era where technology increasingly shapes the future of architecture and design, this research strives to bridge the gap between traditional educational methods and the demands of an ever-dynamic industry. The primary aim is to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the intricate realm of BIM effectively. This involves harnessing the power of digital twins, a concept that transcends mere visualization by allowing for the modeling and simulation of prospective scenarios and maintenance procedures, thereby cultivating a holistic understanding of architectural processes and lifecycles. This paper not only delves into the theoretical underpinnings of these innovative pedagogical methods but also provides tangible examples and insights derived from real-world experiences and student projects. By shedding light on the transformative potential of digital technologies and collaborative platforms in design education, this research contributes to the ongoing discourse on the evolution of architectural and design pedagogy in an increasingly digitized world.

Roberto Vdovic
Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb

Roberto Vdović is an architect, researcher, educator, and entrepreneur. He currently serves as the President of the FabLab Zagreb association. With a Master's degree in Architecture and a Master of Science degree, he teaches at the Faculty of Architecture, where he instructs students in both the architecture and design programs. His research focuses on interactive multimedia design, parametric and generative design, as well as the integration of BIM (Building Information Modeling) with digital manufacturing. Roberto is an active member of research teams working on scientific research projects funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. He is also a co-founder and the President of FabLab Zagreb, where he leads FabLab projects, STEAM week initiatives since 2018, and has been the producer of Maker Faire Zagreb since 2019. Furthermore, he holds the position of Chief Scientific Researcher for the thematic network project "Science Connecting People" and the science popularization project "STEMerica" (ESF). He serves as the pilot coordinator for the "Centrinno" project (H2020). In 2020, Roberto assumed the role of Head of the Research, Development, and Innovation Department at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb. His outstanding contributions to the field were recognized in 2019 when he received the annual Faust Vrančić State Award for the popularization of technical sciences in Croatia.

Participants' prior knowledgePotrebno predznanje: Knowledge of 3D modeling is desirable but not necessary.

Learning outcomes / Ishodi učenja: Preparing and using building information models as digital twins.


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