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The Higher Education CARNET Users Conference - THECUC2023 Digital Transformation of Higher Education: Innovations for the Future of Learning & Teaching

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Improving online and blended learning with educational data analytics: Results of the ILEDA Erasmus+ project (10 min)

Rapid technological development and the constant evolution of the needs of new generations of learners have compelled teachers to adapt to new teaching modalities. Teaching today involves not only delivering learning content but also continuously motivating, monitoring, and assessing students in their learning environments. Understanding students' progress during their learning is a crucial step in achieving an effective and successful educational process, and one way to comprehend student progress is through the use of learning analytics on student data.

The Erasmus+ ILEDA (Improving online and blended learning with educational data analytics) project represents a collaborative effort among four universities from different countries to establish common teaching modalities and track student progress in a similar manner. ILEDA utilizes learning analytics to monitor student progress in online and blended courses. Blended and online learning has demonstrated its necessity and benefits in educational systems. This necessity has become evident through the requirement for flexible teaching modalities applicable to various settings, study fields, and learning styles, not only within a single country but also on an international scale. This precisely aligns with the objective of the ILEDA project, which addresses numerous challenges in online and blended teaching while considering the needs and requirements of different institutions in four different countries, particularly in collecting and analyzing student data using learning analytics. The ILEDA project involves Belgrade Metropolitan University in Serbia, the University of León in Spain, and the University of Eastern Finland, with leadership from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski in Bulgaria.

This presentation will emphasize three primary outcomes of the ILEDA project: innovative instructional teaching models, a digital learning analytics tool, and guidelines and recommendations for the framework's application in diverse educational contexts. These results reflect the project's commitment to enhancing the quality and effectiveness of online and blended learning through data-driven insights and innovative solutions. One pivotal component of this project, and perhaps one of the main challenges, was finding solutions that benefit all participating institutions while identifying patterns, common challenges and solutions.

Miroslava Raspopović Milić
Belgrade Metropolitan University

Jovana Jović
Belgrade Metropolitan University

Miguel Ángel Conde
University of León

Sonsoles López-Pernas
University of Eastern Finland

Mohammed Saqr
University of Eastern Finland

Tanya Yordanova
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski

Participants' prior knowledgePotrebno predznanje: none

Learning outcomes / Ishodi učenja: Participants will understand the importance of including learning analytics in monitoring student progress and enhancing the effectiveness of online and blended learning. Participants will gain understanding of opportunities and challenges in using educational data analytics faced by institutions across different countries and educational settings, ultimately leading to more robust educational practices.


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