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AI and Digital Transformation – world ending, world-saving or simply just the next step? (30 min)
“The secret to change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Dan Millman. AI is here and is only starting to significantly influence and affect Higher Education. While all of the hype is currently focused on Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT, this is only the beginning of the digital transformation that is finding its way into the heart of higher education. This talk aims to provide an overview of where AI might go and how we might embrace it.
It will start with an example of AI that could negatively affect student educational pathways or support them, discussing inclusion, stereotypes and bias along the way. This model has been developed over two decades, but does that mean it is good? Is it trustworthy, and what does trustworthiness even mean when it comes to AI? Next, a brief overview of some EU guidelines and acts that are here to help. We will look at what educators can do and how they might approach it, with respect to integrating new AI tools that have varying levels of effect on students in higher education. Finally, we will look at the use of AI and data in education, and what the future might hold for learning, assessment and curriculum design.
Participants' prior knowledge / Potrebno predznanje: no prior knowledge is required
Learning outcomes / Ishodi učenja: Identify examples of AI that could negatively or positively affect student educational pathways or support them.
Discuss the importance of inclusion, stereotypes, and bias when developing and using AI in education.
Identify the challenges and opportunities of using AI and data in education.