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The Higher Education CARNET Users Conference - THECUC2023 Digital Transformation of Higher Education: Innovations for the Future of Learning & Teaching

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Development of musical knowledge using digital skills (10 min)

Technological improvement became a significant tool for learning new music repertoire. Performing and practicing possibilities are minimizing rhythmical deficiencies, so rehearsing of those pieces becomes more economic, more rational and easier. Playing music with alive human, despite all his disadvantages, is an irreplaceable experience in the formation of the artistic personality. Balance between technology and human nature is necessary, as in any other field of social life. At the University North, we started The Music and Media study program in 2021. We connected art and technology by adding new subjects to traditional disciplines, such as Computer Notography with the Basics of Musical Notation. We also started a project “Reconstruction and digitization of Miljenko Prohaska's musical legacy” that includes a reconstruction of the manuscript of Miljenko Prohaska's scores for the Big Band, which was donated by the artist's family to mr. Andrej Skender from Music School in Varaždin, also external associate of the Department of Music and Media at the University North. Digitization is performed as part of the teaching under the expert supervision of research leaders and associates from partner institutions. In the process, compositions are prepared for printing and public performance. --- Tehnološki napredak značajno je razvio alate za učenje novog glazbenog repertoara. Prilikom vježbanja i izvođenja skladbi ritmički nedostatci svode se na minimum, pa uvježbavanje tih djela postaje ekonomičnije, racionalnije i lakše. Muziciranje sa živim čovjekom, unatoč svim njegovim nedostacima, nezamjenjivo je iskustvo u formiranju umjetničke osobnosti. Neophodna je ravnoteža između tehnologije i ljudske prirode, kao i u svakom drugom području društvenog života. Na Sveučilištu Sjever 2021. pokrenuli smo studij Glazba i mediji. Povezali smo umjetnost i tehnologiju dodajući nove predmete tradicionalnim disciplinama, poput Računalne notografije s osnovama glazbenog pravopisa. Započeli smo i projekt „Rekonstrukcija i digitalizacija glazbene ostavštine Miljenka Prohaske“ koji uključuje rekonstrukciju rukopisa partitura Miljenka Prohaske za Big Band, koje je umjetnikova obitelj darovala mr. Andreju Skenderu iz Glazbene škole Varaždin. Digitalizacija se izvodi u sklopu nastave pod stručnim nadzorom voditelja i suradnika iz partnerskih institucija. Skladbe se pripremaju za tisak i javno izvođenje.

Ivan Batoš
Sveučilište Sjever

Ivan Batoš (Split, 1979) started playing the piano with Pavla Negovec at the Dominican monastery in his hometown. He continued studies in the class of Ivana Oreb in Split, graduated Piano at Music Academy in Zagreb in 2002 (class of Đuro Tikvica) and got Master of Arts degree in 2009 in the class of Lovro Pogorelić. He performed at the leading festivals in Croatia as a soloist and in ensembles with local and foreign instrumentalists. He premiered chamber-ballet “The Plumber” (G. Tudor/N. Manojlović), as a pianist and ensemble leader. He was a guest lecturer at the Amsterdam Conservatory in the ERASMUS+ program. He won many awards for his artistic activity. He worked as Artistic associate of the Academy of Music in Zagreb. Since 2022 he is Assistant professor at The Music and Media Department of the University North in Varaždin.

Andrej Skender
Glazbena škola u Varaždinu / Sveučilište Sjever

Andrej Skender was born in Varaždin. He graduated in clarinet in the class of prof. Josipa Tonžetić in 1990, and completed his post-graduate studies in clarinet at the same institution in 1997. J He collaborated on notography and editorship of sheet music editions with the Croatian Society of Composers, the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Zagreb Music Biennale, the Varaždin Baroque Evenings, the HNK in Varaždin, the Croatian Music Institute, the Croatian Parliament of Culture and the Zagreb Philharmonic. Since 2018, he is a permanent notographer and editor of the production company "Parma recordings", North Hampton, USA. Since 2017, he has been the president of the School Board of the Music School in Varaždin. As Head of the Wind Department of the School of Music, together with his colleagues, he is one of the initiators of the international Woodwind&Brass competition. His educational author's project "PaMus - Musical accompaniments" on the YouTube channel contains about 1200 free and 800 commercial digital video matrices of orchestral and piano accompaniments of classical and modern music for all ages, from beginners to accomplished artists.

Predrag Krobot
Sveučilište Sjever

Predrag Krobot was born in 1973 in Varaždin. He enrolled and graduated from the high school of music in Varaždin.In 2004, he passed the entrance exam and enrolled in the extraordinary study of musical culture at the Jurja Dobrila University in Pula, where he graduated with excellent success, on the topic "Computers in the contemporary teaching of music culture", obtained a university degree and a Master's degree in music pedagogy. He has been working as a lecturer at University North since 2020.

Participants' prior knowledgePotrebno predznanje: Osnove teorije glazbe i tonskog sustava

Learning outcomes / Ishodi učenja:
- Upoznati se s izrađivanjem digitalne orkestralne partiture i pripadajuće solo dionice instrumenata, te kreirati pripremu za tisak notnog materijala
- Upoznati na koji je način iz digitalne partiture moguće napraviti zvučni zapis skladbe upotrebljiv za uvježbavanje skladbe
- Usporediti kvalitetu zvučnog zapisa sa živom izvedbom na instrumentu


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