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The Higher Education CARNET Users Conference - THECUC2023 Digital Transformation of Higher Education: Innovations for the Future of Learning & Teaching

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Pozvano predavanje: Strateško planiranje i donošenje odluka u obrazovanju (30 min)

Educational institutions have become a part of a global shift to a new way of teaching and learning by using digital technologies. Digital technologies are among the main change accelerators that can drastically change educational systems, transforming teaching, learning and assessment practices for teachers and students. These changes demand action and decision making ability in educational institutions. Decision making ability is considered as the most important quality to deliver flexibility and it is the most important factor for reaching the agile organization. Agility is associated with leadership, effective decision making and problem solving, digital technologies and innovation. To became a successful organization the strategic planning must be agile. For being successful in digital transformation, strategic planning of transforming teaching and learning as well as digital agility play a crucial role. Nowadays, educational institutions must be innovative and strategically managed to be able to fulfil their mission, vision and strategic goals in the ever-changing landscape of digital transformation. Management of educational institutions must play a diverse range of roles. The framework for managers of educational institutions for crisis leadership identifies five processes for responding to a crisis: 1.) gathering information - hyperawareness, 2.) creating and implementing a well-defined plan, 3.) decisive and informed decision making, 4.) showing concern for the wellbeing of others and 5.) demonstrating open and honest communication. There is a strong need for implementing decisive and informed decision making to make quick, clear and well-thought-out decisions under constraints. In the scope of the lecture the challenges of strategic decision-making within educational education will be presented as well as methodology for strategic planning and decision making ability in educational institutions.

Nina Begičević Ređep
Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Sveučilište u Zagrebu Nina Begičević Ređep redovita je profesorica i dekanica Fakulteta organizacije i informatike, Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Doktorirala je informacijske znanosti, a završila je i poslijediplomski znanstveni studij Menadžment poslovnih sustava.

Sudjelovala je kao voditeljica/suvoditeljica/suradnica na više od dvadeset domaćih i međunarodnih znanstvenih i stručnih projekata (Horizon 2020, INTERREG, Erasmus, HRZZ, Tempus, IPA, EUREKA i dr.). Trenutno vodi projekt Hrvatske zaklade za znanost pod nazivom «Podizanje zrelosti visokih učilišta za implementaciju analitika učenja – HELA», a sudjeluje i na projektu e-Škole u okviru kojeg vodi tim za razvoj Okvira digitalne zrelosti škola kao i provođenje vrednovanja digitalne zrelosti škola.

Participants' prior knowledgePotrebno predznanje: Nije potrebno.

Learning outcomes / Ishodi učenja: Upon completing this presentation, participants will be able to comprehend the impact of digital technologies on teaching and learning, appreciate the importance of decision-making ability for agility and strategic planning, and recognize the need for innovation and diverse roles in educational management, with a specific focus on decisive decision making within the context of digital transformation.


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